WordPress Lead Capture Plugin

WordPress Lead Capture Plugin

What is Lead Capture:
There are many answers can written for single terms based on business types. But, in formal way i can say lead capture designates a process or way of saving lead information for a user during any web actions. Besides, based on web research we can define lead capture can be EMAIL address or PHONE number for particular user to connect for further communication in right way.

Now a days, we running many business in web for leading or marketing lots of products/services with many customers. This Lead is a common target for a business website and every owner always thinking about it. Recently majority of visitors to a website do not convert. But businesses still have an opportunity to capitalize on web traffic by creating a lead capture form that actually works.

Sometimes, you need more users to make a promotional offer or some other purposes. In that particular view, This plugin allows to create lead capture way with some promotional offering where visitor intend to put their own or others email addresses intentionally.

How it works in WordPress Site:
Suppose, you have a movie site and you would like to pass some promotional offer for new users and you do not know how to collects those leads (emails). This plugin helps you to create a FORM with promotional message or ad-boxes to be placed in front-view. New or old users can visit those pages and view the offers where they will entry others emails as well for getting the offer.

lead capture forms

Besides, notification systems are ON to provide offers through this plugin. User can check & filter wrong lead submission and export those captured leads in CSV format.



  • Shortcode Enabled
  • Easy to setup in page, post or widget
  • Receiver and sender email option available
  • Regular Lead Capture Counter integrated
  • Facebook & Twitter share option available
  • Ad Script or Ad Banner area available
  • Leads can be exported as csv file
  • False Lead checker integrated
  • Multiple designs and responsive
  • Quick Support


Compatible: 5.0 or higher

Tested: Up to 5.2


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WordPress Lead Capture Form in easy way
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